
Help talking to wife

Hi everyone, long time lurker! If this isn't the place for this post I apologize.

I've made up my mind, I want to let loose and get fat. Currently I'm 175 with a goal of 200 and then maybe 250 if I like how I feel. The only problem is, I'm not sure how to talk to my wife about it. We've been married for several years and I've put on a little weight since getting married, but I want to commit to it and I want her to encourage me.

I joked with her the other night about it and she seemed kinda of on the fence about it. Deep down I know she will let me, because it's something I want, but at the same time I want her to understand how I feel. I want her to understand that this isn't odd for me and is a natural thing.

I think part of the problem she might be having is she is 215 lbs and her family gives her so much grief that she can't see past her own families grief.

Any advice from other individuals who have been in a similar situation? Any and all thoughts are appreciated!
10 years

Help talking to wife

There is some truth to this. Lately, she has become much more aggressive with them and I think she is reaching a turning point, which is why I am beginning to think the time is closer to have this conversation. Also, even though she won't come out and admit it, I think she is at the point where she is comfortable with her weight, she's been wearing more revealing clothes lately and has been the happiest she's been since I've known her. I'm sure the two are connected, I'm just trying to tread lightly I guess.
10 years

Help talking to wife

You never know......but one thing for certain is that most people are not into weight gain like we are.

With that said she may get comfortable with you gaining and start to gain herself because f the company and feel that she has a partnership against her parents and become a bit liberated with it. But on the other hand you may get fatter and her as well and she might get more embarrassed by it.

I say......go for it and see where things go....I am certainly no expert at this and there are so many combinations of things that can happen and develop.

Maybe you guy's turn into a happy Fat loving mutual gaining couple and you relationship and love making become unbelievable perfect weighing in at a combined weight of 600 Lbs. together and rocking your bed.
10 years

Help talking to wife

So just give it a go then and let myself go? I think I'm just gonna tell her my plan and my goal weights and see where the conversation goes.
10 years

Help talking to wife

scuba wrote:
This is like; Two kids on the playground, and one says to the other; Too bad you cant have ice cream, would you mind going and getting me one? You want an un- restricted life, while hers is restricted. Then again , she may live her desire for chubness through your gains. Ether way, I would make sure she is not trying to appease you and is truly Ok in her heart about you gaining. If there is any doubt on her part, then you need to focus on the root of the cause, and that would be helping her to deal with the static from her family about her weight. Good luck

Actually, this is exactly what I am worried about. I really only want to commit if she is fine with it. I'm just trying to figure out how to get it across in a way that she can understand and doesn't make her feel like she has to agree to it.
10 years

Help talking to wife

It's funny, cause this is the approach that I started to try last night. Which led to, "Why do you want to be fat?".

I froze for a second and wasn't sure what to say. Then I replied honestly that I believe I'll look better. She looked at me and said that if its what I really want she'll help me gain. I'm still processing all of this and have not brought it back up today, I don't know why I feel like I am in a state of shock about this. I do know that I am excited to where this may lead.

As for her parents though, I'm interested to see what happens there when I start to get bigger. Even though she didn't say anything about it, I think she is too.
10 years